Thursday, July 16, 2009


Tripp and I have just returned from an unexpected trip to Wichita Falls to visit my cousin, Ann and her little girl, Elizabeth. We were having so much fun that we had a hard time leaving! Tripp enjoyed watching Elizabeth, especially when she would jump up and down! She can really make him laugh! I enjoyed spending time with Ann. I especially enjoyed our chats after putting the kids to bed...I hadn't planned on going to WF, but sometimes it feels great to be spontaneous!
Tripp was excited to see Lake today. We hadn't seen him since Sunday evening. Even though it had only been a few days, Lake claims that Tripp has changed! Over the past week, Tripp has started clapping his hands, communicating 'more' with sign language, and pulling up on a regular (and I do mean regular!) basis. I feel so blessed to be home during this time with Tripp. I have a feeling that I will have an especially hard time going back to school this Fall!

We have had a wonderful July so far. We spent July 4th at the lake with family. July 4th is one of my most favorite holidays! I even dressed Tripp in patriotic pjs the night before! The only 'thing' missing over the 4th...MY SISTER!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tripp is a BIG Boy!

I took Tripp to see Dr. Piga yesterday for his 9 month old checkup. They went on and on about how big Tripp is! Tripp weighs 23.3 pounds and is 30 1/2 inches long/tall. He is off the chart in height for his age!! Luckily, no shots! That worked out well because Lake was unable to come and I have a thing about needles...
Even though Tripp woke up in our bed this morning...I am very proud of him. For the very first time, he drank all of his 'milk' from a sippy cup instead of a bottle. He is use to drinking water from a sippy, but not formula. He normally refuses to drink until I put it into a bottle, but today he didn't refuse it at all. What a big boy he is becoming!